Different Casting Levels?

Posted by Full Moon on


Below is information about the different casting options that I have for most of my magickal items. 

Exactly as it sounds, Papa Crow shall plan, personalize, and cast your spell one time creating a powerful change in the energy of the universe all to your benefit and goal.
Before casting Papa shall be in touch via email to gather all of the information he needs to make your spell a success.
You will be informed of the exact time of your spell casting, and both before and after the ritual Papa is of course available for your questions and concerns.

By far the most popular offering Papa makes with his work, this option allows Papa to cast the same spell three times in a row.
This creates a vortex of energy and amplifies the power of the spell many more times than three.
The increased power often creates faster results and more stunning finishes to the spell work.
Best of all the Triple Casting is generally only about twice the time and materials fee of the Single Casting.
It's much more than three times the magick at only twice the fee!

While Voodoo is not typically practiced as a coven, it is more like a church when performed by groups,
the term Coven Casting immediately defines what this option is so people can understand it. Rather than simply the casting services of lifelong Voodoo Houngan Papa Crow, the spell you choose shall
be cast by a select group of some of the most powerful Priests and Priestesses in Voodoo who have made a life of helping others affect physical change through the power of magick.

Similar to the Coven Cast, but MUCH more powerful as this is Coven Cast THREE times with Papa and his full coven. 
Once reserved Papa and his full coven will prepare for this casting and will take the time needed to work specifically for you and your needs.
There is no better or more tailored option than the Triple Coven Cast. 
There can be no more powerful method than this.
Note that this option takes a few days to arrange and implement as various schedules must be allowed to open to perform the ritual to maximum benefit.

Papa Crow has been practicing powerful Voodoo and real Magick for about 44 years now with very successful results for many clients all around the world. He specializes in love, money, health, malehood enhancement, beauty, and so much more. 

Papa Crow can cast any type of magickal need you may have into any type of special totem like candles, voodoo dolls, blessed cloths, charms, spells, and even voodoo chicken feet. If you don't see something that is on the website you may easily Contact Papa to write about your specific needs. 

Papa Crow has the most powerful magick that is tailored to you and your personal desires, wants, and needs. Here at Full Moon Magick Shoppe Papa and his practitioners will craft a life changing spell work for you.

Papa Crow is a lifelong student of magickal arts and a solid practitioner of the Voodoo religion. Have only the best and most powerful spell works crafted for you by Papa Crow at Full Moon.

Papa has a lifetime record of success working with a wide variety of clients on almost any goal or desire you could imagine. Papa and Full Moon will provide you the most powerful magic with amazing results and will be there for you every step of the way.

This Magick Works, Guaranteed!


Full Moon Magick Shoppe guarantees to bring a lifetime of knowledge and experience in the magickal arts to your situation and make magick work in your favor. Provide Full Moon's practitioners with the information needed for a potent casting, follow their directions, and have faith in the outcome and you shall see dramatic results! Please allow six to seven moon cycles for magick to mature and results to manifest. We will not leave your side. If you are unsatisfied or results fail to manifest to your liking, just let us know. We will plan a Triple Recast of your spell at no additional fee.


Papa Crow has been practicing Voodoo and Magick for about 44 years now with very successful results for many clients all around the world. He specializes in love, money, health, malehood enhancement, beauty, and so much more. 

Papa Crow can cast any type of magickal need you may have into any type of special totem like candles, voodoo dolls, blessed cloths, charms, spells, and even voodoo chicken feet. If you don't see something that is on the website you may easily Contact Papa to write about your specific needs. 

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